CBM organized the second day of Civic Education School in Mitrovica, with as main topic “social norms”.

Dec 3, 2018, 4:15 PM | Multimedia

The participants were introduced to the new topic of “Social Norms” and were engaged in interactive discussions related to this topic, through concrete examples from daily life and games which made the lecture more interesting and attractive for the participants.

During the activity, teachers together with students discussed the topic of social norms and the responsibilities that come with them.

Also discussed was the importance of the right interpretation of Societal norms and their transformation from previous times to the present time and the factors which are affecting them.

The main goal of this meeting was understanding the importance of social norms and their role and contribution to a healthy society.

The activity is part of the program "Building Strong and Resilient Communities in Mitrovica" implemented by CBM, Mundësia, and ODK, supported by GCERF.