Vesna and Edin: Names that influence and transform destinies

World Humanism Day brings to mind a question:
What does it take to change the world?

Some people believe that change is not their duty. If you ask them about humanitarian work, they will say that daily obligations and plans for the future do not leave you room to engage. On the other hand, there are some people who go a step further: they know how important the change is in a certain aspect and choose to take the first step, without analyzing the obstacles or difficulties!
So what does it take to start the change?
Besides the undisputed desire to give something of yourself to those who have less, vision and purpose are definitely important in this regard. Normally, the journey will not be easy. Any change requires great dedication, creativity to overcome difficulties and challenges that come unexpectedly along the way, cooperation and expansion of the network of people who are interested in the same issue, determination of measurable goals and above all: sustainability.

Meet Vesna and Edini, two of the people who wake up every day with the idea that someone needs them and they have to do the best they can - for them.
Today, when the world marks 'The Humanity day', we cannot help but mention the great contribution that they have made for many years, not only for Mitrovica but also further afield.

Vesna Cosic has started with several humanitarian work activities since the age of 12. When we ask her 'WHY?' she says that she believes that some people are born with the desire to help. Vesna's activities are mostly dedicated to people who have little or no income, for those who have a lower financial status. She says that the days when you manage to help someone are when you feel you have received the greatest reward.
Since Vesna also has other commitments, it is sometimes difficult to find the balance between the two. Therefore, the question naturally arises, how do you manage to keep yourself motivated all the time. "The biggest motivation to dedicate myself to humanitarian work is the time we live in. People have become very alienated, from each other but also from nature. Very negative traits prevail and my desire is to change the society in which I live for the better' sha says.

Edin Lahi, another activist from Mitrovica, has started humanitarian work since 2013 - when he also started his studies for 'Social Work'. Since then, despite his commitments to studies and work, he has never stopped in his efforts to give his contribution to persons with limited abilities and the non-majority community.
Edin describes the humanitarian work as a pleasure. When we ask him what motivates him not to stop, regardless of his commitments at different stages of life, he says 'as social beings we are, everyone at some stage of life needs help from someone. We all need each-other. Therefore, it is an obligation and a great pleasure to be there for someone in need'.

In conclusion, do you know what it takes to change the world?
Desire is not enough, but that's where everything starts.
The question is not 'can we?' because each of us encounters opportunities to help every day.
The question is 'who needs help?' and after defining this exactly, we can start with the person we are closest to.

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